Demolition of a house in Lod on the pretext of unauthorized construction

Demolition of a house in Lod on the pretext of unauthorized construction

The bulldozers and mechanisms of the Israeli authorities have demolished the house of Shaher Abu Zayed under the pretext of unauthorized construction in al-Mahatta district of Lod city despite heavy rains, storms and severe cold on Thursday.

Police cordoned off the area and prevented residents from approaching, and bulldozers bulldozed the town of Lod, which housed 11 people.

The Arab 48 website quoted a member of the Lod municipality, Mohammed Abu Shuraiki, as saying that "the authorities invoke the same false pretext in the demolition of houses, which is the unauthorized construction. House in al-Mahatta district, a neighborhood that suffers from poor organization and infrastructure. "

He added: "We deplore and condemn all demolitions, and we hold the mayor responsible for every demolition, because it did not provide the alternative to the residents.

He concluded by saying that "the demolition issue in Lod is not new to us, a policy of clear displacement of the Arab population, and we always warn our people in Lod and appeal to them not to leave the city in such cases, but to buy apartments in the neighborhoods they set up for the Jews, This is the solution to the housing crisis. "