Death misses the Palestinian scientist Professor Tayseer Nayfeh

Death misses the Palestinian scientist Professor Tayseer Nayfeh

The son of Shweika suburb of Tulkarm, Professor Taysir Nayfeh in the United States of America, passed away at the age of 71.

Nayfeh is a Palestinian scientist, professor and inventor with a number of inventions registered in his name. He has won several awards and scientific honors. He holds American citizenship. The brother of scientists Dr. Ali Nayfeh and Dr. Munir Nayfeh and Dr. Adnan Nayfeh is a member of the Institute of Industrial Engineers, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and the International Union for Control Automated, American Physical Society.

It is noteworthy that Nayfa Walid was born in Jordan in 1951 to a Palestinian family from Shweika Suburb in the city of Tulkarm; Where his family had moved to Jordan after the Nakba in 1948. He left in 1969 to the United States of America, and completed his secondary education there in 1970, and then worked in the field of industry until he joined Virginia Technical University in 1974 and obtained a bachelor’s degree in physics in 1987. He received his master´s degree in 1989, and in August 1993 he received a doctorate in industrial and systems engineering from Virginia Tech.

In 1980 he obtained US citizenship, and worked from 1980 until 1989 in various positions and positions at Schlumberger International. In 1993 he began working as an assistant professor of industrial engineering at Cleveland University.

He has several scientific books. The scientist, Tayseer Nayfeh, holds many important patents officially registered in his nameThe scientist, Tayseer Nayfeh, has won a number of awards and honors, the most prominent of which are:

Schlumberger General Managers Award, 1986, in recognition of his solutions to numerous engineering problems, the Association for Improved Nanocarbons and the International Copper Association (ICA) and the "Trailblazer in Copper Technology" award, in 2014, from the Copper Development Organization (CDA), in recognition of his theories and research Which brought about a "scientific revolution" regarding superconducting copper technology.

His funeral was held in the United States of America, in the presence of a large number of members of the Arab and Palestinian community and the United States.