Chinese classical drama show "Butterflies Lovers" in Seattle, USA

Chinese classical drama show "Butterflies Lovers" in Seattle, USA

The award-winning classic Chinese butterfly dancer "Butterfly Lovers" is scheduled to be screened next week at the Marion Oliver Macau Palace in Seattle, Washington, as part of an ongoing arts festival in the United States. United States.

The two-hour drama, also known as the Chinese version of Romeo and Juliet, is a legendary romantic tragedy in ancient China by the famous Chinese dancer Li Hengda.

The starring drama will bring young actors from the Beijing Dance Academy to one of China´s four most tragic love stories to the US audience on the West Pacific coast.

"This play combines graceful style with classical Chinese expressive dance styles and tells an old story in a new way in the common world of dance," Li said in an interview with Xinhua on Sunday.

"This play embodies Chinese traditional values ​​such as patriarchal piety, loyalty and honor, as well as many unique features of Chinese art," Li said.

He said he has lived in the United States for more than 20 years, "but I think what most attracts the American public is the characteristics of the Chinese nation, such as the Chinese artistic concept of poetic interpretation and emotional expression."

The play, which was shown at the San Francisco Palace of Fine Arts on August 29 and 30, respectively, is an important part of the sixth Pan-Pacific Art Festival.

The play is scheduled to be screened for three days in Seattle from September 5 to 7.