China: Corona death toll rises to 637

China: Corona death toll rises to 637

The Chinese authorities announced today, Friday, that the number of deaths due to infection with the new "Corona" virus has increased to 637 people, and that 31,211 confirmed cases were recorded in 31 regions, cities and provinces nationwide.

In its daily report, the National Health Committee stated that 3, 151 new confirmed cases and 73 new deaths were recorded, 69 of which were in Hubei Province, central China, the epicenter of the virus outbreak, one death in Jilin Province, another in Henan Province and one case Similar in Quang Dong Province and another in Hainan Province.

The committee confirmed the death of Dr. Li Winliang, an ophthalmologist who discovered the new "Corona" virus in "Wuhan" and warned the authorities of its spread due to his infection with the virus.

She added that the number of new cases that were suspected amounted to 48 thousand and 833, indicating that 962 patients worsened their health conditions while 4 and 821 patients are still in critical condition, while a thousand and 540 patients left hospital after they recovered.

The committee said it was following more than 314,000 people who had been in contact with HIV-infected patients, adding that 26,000 and 762 people were discharged from medical observation, but more than 186,000 people were still under medical observation.

The committee noted that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region recorded 24 confirmed cases of the virus by the end of Thursday, including one death, while ten cases were recorded in the Macao Special Administrative Region and 16 cases in "Taiwan". 

The new Corona virus appeared last December in a market in Wuhan, spreading to three other Asian countries: Japan, Thailand and South Korea.

Corona virus is similar in symptoms to pneumonia, and symptoms include fever and breathing problems, and it is similar to the one that causes acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

The emergence of the new "Corona" virus in China caused a state of terror throughout the world, especially after the World Health Organization asked to prepare for cases of HIV infection.