China: 80 deaths, 2744 cases of coronavirus

China: 80 deaths, 2744 cases of coronavirus

Today, Monday, the People´s Republic of China has strengthened travel restrictions in an effort to stem the spread of the "Corona" virus that has left 80 deaths, while France and the United States are preparing to evacuate their nationals from the quarantined area .

The death toll in China from the virus has risen to 80, after 24 additional deaths were recorded in Hubei Province (central country), according to local authorities announced today .

The total number of confirmed infections rose to 2,744 across China, according to central government statistics .

WHO Director-General Tidros Adhanom Gebresus announced that he will go to China next Sunday for talks with the authorities on the virus .

China has isolated Hubei province, which has been spreading viral disease, in an unprecedented process affecting tens of millions of people .

And senior officials in the Chinese health sector said that "the ability to spread the virus has been enhanced" even if it did not appear "very severe", another type of Coronavirus that has killed hundreds of people in the beginning of the third millennium .

Wuhan and its region have been under quarantine since last Thursday, to prevent the spread of the disease. In all, 56 million people have been cut off from the world .

Her mayor said he expects to record about a thousand more infections, based on the number of hospital patients who have not yet had the HIV test .