Casualties during the occupation´s suppression of the weekly Kafr Qaddum march

Casualties during the occupation´s suppression of the weekly Kafr Qaddum march

Violent confrontations broke out with the occupation soldiers in the village of Kafr Qaddum, east of Qalqilya, after the end of Friday prayers and the start of the weekly march towards the closed entrance since 2003

Eyewitnesses confirmed the injury of a young man with a metal bullet in the shoulder, and he was treated on the ground by the Red Crescent staff present in the village, in addition to cases of mass suffocation.

In addition, the occupation soldiers set up ambushes among the olive trees to arrest the participants in the march and targeted citizens´ homes with tear gas canisters. Water tanks were also targeted with bullets in order to destroy them in retaliation from the people.

Murad Shteiwi, the coordinator of the weekly march, confirmed that the occupation is constantly targeting the weekly march with various means of repression and terror, including what happened recently in terms of planting explosive devices to target the participants.

He added, "The weekly march entered its tenth year last July, with strength and momentum, and will not stop until the opening of the closed entrance and the removal of settlements are achieved."