Cases of suffocation after the occupation forces targeted a mosque and houses with gas bombs in Beit Ummar

Cases of suffocation after the occupation forces targeted a mosque and houses with gas bombs in Beit Ummar

 Dozens of citizens suffocated, on Tuesday evening, after the occupation forces targeted a mosque and houses of citizens with gas canisters, in the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron.

The media activist in the town, Mohammed Awad, stated that the Israeli soldiers stormed the Al-Dhahr area, adjacent to the "Karmi Tzur" settlement, located on the lands of the citizens, south of the town, and fired heavy gas canisters towards the citizens and their homes, which resulted in dozens of cases of suffocation, treated in the field.

Awad added that the occupation forces fired sound and gas bombs towards the Al-Samoud mosque in the area, wounding a number of worshipers asphyxia, and also detained a number of vehicles.