Car bomb kills 4, injures 13 in northern Baghdad

Car bomb kills 4, injures 13 in northern Baghdad

Baghdad _ Agencies

At least four people were killed and 13 others injured when a car bomb exploded in front of a popular restaurant north of the province, a security source in Salah al-Din province north of Baghdad said.

Col. Mohammed al-Bazi, a Salah al-Din Provincial police command, told Xinhua on Wednesday that a parked car exploded in front of the Citadel´s popular restaurant in the Pilgrims ´ area on the road between Tikrit City and the town of Baiji (40 km) to the north.

The blast killed four people instantly and injured 13 others, he said, adding that the toll was still an increase.

The explosion also led to the burning of seven civilian cars and the damage of other cars as well as the destruction of the restaurant, al-Bazi said.

Many cities in Salah al-Din province are still witnessing bombings and armed attacks because of the presence of cells belonging to ISIL militants operating in these cities.

Haidar al-Abadi, Prime minister and Commander-in-chief of the Iraqi armed forces, vowed on June 30 to wipe out elements of the terrorist organization ISIL throughout Iraq, saying, "We will pursue the remaining cells of terror in their holes and kill them," adding, "we will pursue them everywhere in the mountains and the desert." ".