Cancer ... the second cause of death in Palestine

Cancer ... the second cause of death in Palestine

On the eve of World Cancer Day (February 4th), the Ministry of Health reported that cancer is the second leading cause of death in Palestine after heart disease, and that breast cancer is the most common.
Most cancer injuries and deaths are caused by behavioral and nutritional risk factors such as high body mass and obesity, insufficient eating of fruits and vegetables, lack of physical activity, and smoking in all its forms, the ministry said in a statement Thursday.
A total of 3,174 reported cases of cancer in the West Bank in 2019, an increase of 2.2% from 3,102 in 2018.
There were 1,664 new cases registered among females, accounting for 52.4% of new cancer cases, and 1,510 cases among males were recorded, accounting for 47.6% of all cases recorded in 2019.
The ministry explained that 1,095 cases of cancer were recorded in the age group over 64 years of age, or 34.5% of all cases recorded in 2019, although this age group represents only 3.3% of the total population, and 1,936 cases were recorded in 61% of cases in the 15-64 age group, and 143 cases, or 4.5% in the under-15 age group.
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in Palestine, with 536 new cases recorded in 2019, accounting for 16.9% of all registered cancers, followed by colorectal cancer with 400 cases, 12.6% and lung cancer with 227 cases, 7.2% of all cases.