Britain to continue its support for "UNRWA"

Britain to continue its support for "UNRWA"

Britain said on Tuesday it would increase its financial support to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), bringing the total of the United Kingdom this year (2019-2020) to about 85.5 million US dollars.

The announcement was made during the United Kingdom on Tuesday, June 25, in New York, where the United Kingdom confirmed that it would continue to provide assistance to Palestine refugees.

The United Kingdom will soon provide financial support to help ease some of the financial strains currently facing the Agency. The United Kingdom auditors UNRWA a necessary humanitarian and stabilization force throughout the Middle East by contributing to education and health care for refugees Palestinians in Palestinian refugee camps. In New York, Britain urged the international community and donor countries to consider the possibility of increasing aid to UNRWA.

"Our announcement today affirms our continued strong support for UNRWA´s role in providing basic services to millions of Palestinian refugees throughout the region," said British Consul General in Jerusalem Philip Hall.

From London, the Minister of Middle East Affairs, Dr. Andrew Morrison: "The United Kingdom has been supportive of UNRWA and I am deeply concerned about the challenges faced by UNRWA, and in the absence of additional funding, UNRWA may not be able to continue providing food assistance in Gaza by next July. Support for UNRWA, especially at this critical time. "

"Only a political solution can provide a just and realistic settlement for Palestinian refugees. Until then, the UK remains firmly committed to supporting UNRWA and Palestinian refugees throughout the Middle East," he said.

Last month, during his first visit as Secretary of State for the Middle East, Minister Morrison visited the West Bank and Gaza Strip, where he witnessed directly UNRWA´s important work for Palestinian refugees.