Britain announces a new aid package for "UNRWA" and confirms its support for Palestinian refugees

Britain announces a new aid package for "UNRWA" and confirms its support for Palestinian refugees

British Minister for Middle East Affairs James Cleverley announced today, Thursday, the provision of a new package of British aid to UNRWA, in order to enable it to continue providing vital support to them.

In a statement, Cleaverly added that this support from the United Kingdom will help the Agency in continuing the mandate mandated by the United Nations to provide support and protection to Palestine refugees, in order to be able to provide vital services, including health care and education.

He said: The United Kingdom has always been one of the largest donors to UNRWA, as the UK´s support to the Agency last year made it possible to provide education to more than half a million children, and helped more than 3.5 million Palestinians gain access to health services.

He continued in his statement, "The difficult living conditions as a result of the massive population density, in addition to the ongoing conflict suffered by the Palestinian refugees, made them particularly vulnerable to the effects of the Corona pandemic, as it increased the challenges facing UNRWA in providing its basic services, yet it continues Its employees work tirelessly and tiredly to provide assistance to those in need. "

He explained that this additional funding announced today at a value of 33.5 million pounds, brings the total UK contribution to "UNRWA" for the year 2020 to 34.5 million pounds.

He stressed that his country would remain firmly committed to its support of "UNRWA" and Palestinian refugees across the region.

He pointed out that the United Kingdom continues to support a negotiated settlement that leads to an Israeli state that lives safely alongside an effective and sovereign Palestinian state on the basis of the 1967 borders, with an agreed land exchange, and that Jerusalem be the common capital of both countries, and a just settlement Fair, agreed and realistic for refugees.