Biden still leads the democratic electoral race, despite all the difficulties

Biden still leads the democratic electoral race, despite all the difficulties

Despite his lapses, old age, Donald Trump´s attack on him and the repercussions of the Ukrainian issue, former US Vice President Joe Biden is still the favorite to win the Democratic primary, showing great ability to withstand.

David Axelrod, former political advisor to former President Barack Obama, recently commented that "Biden´s case is the most strange thing I have encountered in politics."

He added on the Politico website that Biden appeared to be "standing on a vacuum and everyone thinks that he will fall (...), but he continues to progress."

Biden, 77, appears to have increased momentum in the past week. On Thursday, he launched the Eighty-Democrat, "If you want to be sure to what extent I am in good health, you just have to compete with me."

The aforementioned voter had questioned Biden´s physical abilities during an election rally before accusing him of using his influence to appoint his son Hunter as a member of the board of directors of a Ukrainian gas company when he was vice president between 2009 and 2017.

The candidate replied to him with a phrase that attracted the attention of American TVs, when he told him, "You are just a liar, this is not true."

Today, President Trump faces an isolation mechanism, suspected of being asked by Kiev to investigate Biden, his most prominent opponent in the 2020 presidential election.

And the Democratic candidate must maintain his cohesion to dispel the accusations that surround him in this issue, so that he does not beg the same method that he adopted with the eighty voter.

But political analyst Larry Sabato considered that the Ukraine case might work in his favor, because "Trump showed that he feared Biden more than anyone else" just because he called for an investigation.

The moderate Biden remains at the forefront of opinion polls at the national level, challenging all those who expected his impending collapse since he contested the electoral race last April.

With 28 percent of the vote at the rate set by the Real Clare Politics Institute, Biden leads by a large margin over independent Senator Bernie Sanders (16 percent), progressive Senator Elizabeth Warren (14 percent) and young moderate Pete Bottigueigh (11 percent).

Biden raised the ceiling of his electoral speech this week, and he told several American media outlets that I asked him how far Warren surpassed him in terms of attracting voters.

Also, Biden confirmed this week that he managed to raise funds for his campaign in October and November, which exceeds the previous three months.

"I remember that Joe Biden (...) sometimes helped President Obama make some of his more difficult decisions," he said Friday, adding, "That is what matters: experience."

In fact, this word is the slogan on which Biden builds his campaign against Trump, accusing him of always making fun of foreign leaders.

Sabato explained that the equation is simple: "Democrats are very interested in defeating Trump. Most of them believe that Biden can achieve this more than anyone else, even if the matter is not guaranteed."

Biden also has another power to build on: the support he enjoys among black voters who may be a decisive factor in the Democratic primary, and also among the workers who had a role in Trump´s 2016 victory.

But his fourth place in Iowa and New Hampshire polls, which will be the first to vote in the February 2020 primary, is worrisome.

Nevertheless, his electoral team asserts that he can compensate by achieving much better results in Nevada and South Carolina, where a large number of black voters are of Hispanic origin.

"His aging remains the big question," Sabato said, adding, "If Biden remains in good health, there is no problem. But it will collapse if he has a heart attack like (Bernie) Sanders."