Between Trump and Pence ... estrangement

Between Trump and Pence ... estrangement

The events of the Capitol have devoted the break between outgoing President Donald Trump and his loyal Vice President Mike Pence, who is preparing to attend the inauguration of Democrat Joe Biden as President of the United States and facilitate the transfer of power between the two administrations.

Unlike the Republican president, who announced in a tweet that he would not attend Biden´s inauguration on January 20, Pence announced his participation.

If the presence of the outgoing vice president is not surprising, and Joe Biden has assured that he is "welcome," it shows the gap that has widened between the Republican president and his right-hand man since Biden was approved in Congress on January 6.

Donald Trump and Mike Pence have not spoken to one another, according to the American press, since the day when supporters of the president stormed the Capitol building, leading to deaths and shocking America and shocking the world.

Republican Representative Adam Kinzinger said Sunday in an interview with "ABC" that "one of the closest loyalists to Trump has now become the number one enemy in the world" of the president.

Despite Trump´s pressure, Mike Pence announced Wednesday in a letter that he would not oppose endorsing the results of the presidential election to Congress, angering the president and his supporters.

"Mike Pence did not have the courage to do what he should have done to protect our country and our constitution," Donald Trump wrote on Twitter as a crowd of his supporters stormed the Capitol.

Videos posted on social media showed a small crowd chanting "Hang Mike Pence" outside the Capitol. Other activists marched through the halls of American democracy chanting that the vice president was "a coward," according to the New York Times.

During these chaotic events, the Vice President was holed up in bunker on the Capitol with his family. NBC reported that Trump had not contacted him to inquire about his safety.

Quiet and discreet, Mike Pence was considered one of Donald Trump´s closest loyalists.

But he has not yet responded to the calls of many parliamentarians urging him to activate the twenty-fifth amendment to the constitution, which allows for the dismissal of a president considered "unfit" to exercise his duties.

Before changing positions on him, Pence was praised by supporters of the president and his critics denounced his cynicism for the Republican billionaire.

He was a brilliant vice president, ”Trump said last summer of Pence.

The presence of Mike Pence, 61, for four years, has been quiet in the middle of a Trump storm.

He was appointed at the head of the Coronavirus Crisis Unit last March, and throughout this year he dealt with the matter with calculated statements far from the provocations and slips that the president was making, while always making sure not to confront Trump directly.

It is worth noting that Mike Pence and Donald Trump weren´t particularly close at first before the Republican billionaire nominated him for vice president in 2016.

Trump even considered changing his candidate, but in the end he preferred to keep him betting on Pence´s close ties with the voter base of especially aging white Christians, which played an important role in their 2016 victory.