Bethlehem: Choking injuries during a march condemning the deal of the century

Bethlehem: Choking injuries during a march condemning the deal of the century

 A number of citizens were injured, this afternoon, by suffocation and nausea due to inhaling tear gas during confrontations with the occupation forces in the city of Bethlehem.

A peaceful march condemning the deal of the century started from the Bab Al-Zaqqa Junction in the city towards the main street Jerusalem / Hebron, which led to the outbreak of confrontations with the occupation forces stationed at the roundabout of the dome, where the soldiers fired gas and sound bombs towards the youths, causing a number of them suffocation.

The participants raised banners denouncing the deal, most notably "The shame deal will not pass, and our people are sure to topple it", "Free and proud Palestine will and will remain so", and "The Zionist occupation must leave our Arab lands and its project must fall with the steadfastness of our people and their struggle."

The governor of Bethlehem, Kamel Hamid, said that the march is part of our people´s reactions to this conspiracy deal, which will be doomed to catastrophic failure, and that our people will continue their activities until they are toppled.

Activist Ibrahim Muslim stressed that these repressive practices against our people will only increase him with more steadfastness and defiance and adherence to his rights, foremost among which is the right of return, the state and self-determination.