Bernie Sanders supports his former opponent, Joe Biden, for the American presidency

Bernie Sanders supports his former opponent, Joe Biden, for the American presidency

Bernie Sanders, who withdrew from the presidential candidacy, announced the support of his former opponent, Joe Biden in the American presidential elections, declaring that the time has come to unite efforts to defeat Donald Trump in October. November.

"We have to unite to defeat the most dangerous president in modern times," he said in a tweet to leftist Sanders, before appearing with Biden in a live broadcast announcing his support for the former vice president.

Sander, 78, decided last Wednesday to withdraw from the race for elections inside the Democratic Party after a volatile campaign.

On the other hand, Biden, 77, who became the party´s single candidate, called for the union to defeat Trump.

The former vice president posted on Twitter a photo of him with Sanders shortly after the latter announced his support for the upcoming presidential election.

However, Biden´s formal victory in the Democratic nomination will only be announced at the party conference that was postponed to 17 August due to the Corona virus.

Sanders had fierce competition with Hillary Clinton in the party´s primaries in 2016, in which the latter won the nomination, but lost the general election to Trump.