Attack on a Christian cemetery west of Jerusalem

Attack on a Christian cemetery west of Jerusalem

JERUSALEM _ Palestine News Network

The Council of Presidents of the "Catholic Churches of the Holy Land " said that unknown assailants attacked a Christian cemetery in the west of the occupied city of Jerusalem, including the breaking of crosses and tombstones.

The Council´s advisor, Wadih Abu Nassar, told a copy of the report on Thursday that the attack was caused by extensive destruction, including the breaking of crosses and tombstones of several graves, "likely to occur days ago.

"What happened at the cemetery comes two years after a similar attack on the same cemetery, and a year after another attack on the church of the monastery," he said, pointing out that the Israeli police failed to reach the former aggressors in both places, questioning: "Will today´s attack be such a fate?".

After the incident, he said: "It is unfortunate to see ourselves preoccupied with denouncing and denouncing such criminal acts, which have frequently been repeated in recent years (..) without any solution", calling on the Israeli authorities to act to punish the aggressors.

The identities of the assailants were not disclosed or identified, but the Hebrew daily Haaretz, which was published Thursday, revealed that some 30 graves had been vandalized by Jewish "operatives" gangs two weeks ago in a cemetery in the "Monastery of Beit Jamal ", a Christian near the settlement of "Beit Shemash ", West of Jerusalem.

The monastery monks discovered the destruction of the tombs, in the ancient cemetery about half a mile from the monastery building, the first yesterday, and said, "the concrete crosses were extracted from above the graves."

"The destruction of cemeteries has taken time and effort, and special tools have been used, because all the crosses were cast with concrete," August Antonio Sukhodou was quoted as saying by his newspapers "Ha´aretz ".

He added:  "I don´t know who did it, as this seems to be their nature and their hobby."

Jewish "Price-priced" gangs, active in July July 2008, include groups of Jewish settlers, combined with a common organizational structure and standard of conduct, to carry out hostile actions against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and the city of Jerusalem.

Jewish rabbis nourish racist tendencies by inciting the Palestinians and nurturing the right-wing racist spirit of these settlers, while the Israeli Government is expanding its settlement and settlement settlements on the territory of Palestinian citizens, while formally permitting Arming them.

The operations of these gangs range from carrying out acts of trotism against Palestinian citizens, to the extent of attempted killings, as well as the attack on their property and land by burning and vandalism, to attack the Islamic and Christian shrines, including the burning of mosques and churches and the writing of racist slogans On its walls, digging up Islamic cemeteries, confiscating thousands of acres of agricultural land and expelling its owners.