Ashrawi: Washington is seeking to transform the Palestinian state into population centers under Israeli sovereignty

Ashrawi: Washington is seeking to transform the Palestinian state into population centers under Israeli sovereignty

Member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Hanan Ashrawi, said today (Sunday) that Washington is seeking to convert the Palestinian state on the 1967 borders into residential communities under Israeli sovereignty.

Ashrawi said in statements to reporters, "The American administration wants to present the Palestinian people to a goldsmith summit for Israel and turn it into population centers in an entity less than a state under Israeli sovereignty."

Ashrawi considered that the administration of President Donald Trump "is a partner in the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories by taking unilateral steps represented in dropping the refugee file, borders, Jerusalem, and settlement legislation in flagrant violation of international law."

And she considered that putting the American peace plan known to the media as "the deal of the century" before or after the upcoming Israeli elections will not lead to peace, security and stability, noting that the American administration uses the possibility of advertising based on Israeli interests while the plan is implemented on the ground.

Ashrawi said that Washington´s announcement from time to time to present the peace plan "is an attempt to prevent any other party from presenting a political initiative to solve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, noting that President Trump is trying to make Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu succeed and present him with the far-right voices in the upcoming electoral process."

This comes in response to what was reported by Israeli media a few days ago, US National Security Adviser Robert O´Brien said that the American plan may be presented within a month, that is, before the Israeli elections scheduled for the beginning of next March, indicating that resolving the political crisis in Israel is not a condition for presenting the plan.

Details of the US plan were to be presented after the formation of the Israeli government, after the April elections, but it was postponed due to a political crisis that rocked Israel after the elections, and prevented the formation of a government.

The Palestinian Authority has been boycotting the US administration since the end of 2017 after President Donald Trump announced his recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and previously rejected Washington´s plan to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Since Trump´s announcement, the Palestinians have called for an international mechanism to sponsor peace negotiations with Israel, which have been stalled since 2014, after nine months of US-sponsored talks that have not led to any agreement.

Ashrawi denounced Israel’s attack on the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in Jerusalem and its attempts to remove it from the Holy City and replace it with its institutions.

And considered that the Israeli steps "provocative and inconsistent with international law, calling on the United Nations to take practical steps to protect its institutions, given that what Israel is doing is illegal and illegal and can continue if it does not find anyone deterring it or the price it pays."