An online campaign to ask Google to recognize Palestine in its maps

An online campaign to ask Google to recognize Palestine in its maps

 Palestinians launched an online campaign to ask Google to recognize Palestine in its maps.

The PLO Executive Committee Secretary Saeb Erekat said on Twitter Tuesday that 400,000 people joined the campaign within one day of its launch.

Erekat criticized Google for its absence of Palestine with its maps, saying it was "a great insult to the Palestinian people and undermines the efforts of millions of people who participated in the campaign to secure Palestinian independence and freedom from occupation and Israeli oppression."

A website launched to support the campaign that Google "intentionally or otherwise make itself complicit in the ethnic cleansing of the Israeli government of Palestine." "This is an important problem. Google Maps is now considered definitive by people from all over the world, including journalists, students and others who are conducting research into the Israeli-Palestinian situation," the website said.

He called on the site to join in calling Google to recognize Palestine in its maps and to identify and identify the Palestinian territories "illegally occupied by Israel" and to participate in the social media.