An Israeli meeting to legalize 1,200 settlement units in the West Bank

An Israeli meeting to legalize 1,200 settlement units in the West Bank

Yediot Aharonot newspaper website revealed, Friday evening, an Israeli internal meeting held to legalize 1,200 settlement units in the West Bank that allow the settlement laws in place to legitimize them without the need for a new law after the Supreme Court canceled Israeli law to legalize settlements.

According to the website, the meeting took place today, Friday, between Benny Gantz, the Israeli army minister, and the justice minister Avi Nissenkorn, in the presence of representatives of the civil and social affairs and the army, as well as the legal advisor Avihai Mandelblit.

According to the site, it was decided to work to organize and legalize these units through the law "Regulating the housing market", and without the need for the law "to legalize settlements" canceled two days ago by the Supreme.

The meeting focused on the results of the repeal of the law and the legal possibility that arose for such a ruling, as the meeting discussed the ways in which housing units can be organized and legalized to which the "state" was granted building permits, and it was later discovered that they were built on Palestinian land.

Gantz instructed to form a team to formulate solutions to these issues, especially homes built on Palestinian land, or homes built by Palestinians in those areas.