An actual prison sentence for a prisoner suffering from epilepsy

An actual prison sentence for a prisoner suffering from epilepsy

 The Israeli occupation court sentenced the prisoner Ziad Abdul Jabbar Al-Hasanat, 20, from Dheisheh camp to one year in prison for participating in resisting the occupation.

The Hassanat family appealed to international and local human rights institutions concerned with the defense of prisoners and to the International Red Cross to intervene in order to save his life, where he suffers from epilepsy and is always exposed to severe episodes leading to loss of consciousness.

His brother Jabr, who is the only one allowed to visit him in Nafha desert prison, where he is staying and saw him today during the court session in Ofer, said that these seizures raid him during the visit and also raided him during the court and saw him when he falls to the ground, stressing that the prison administration is stalling in providing the necessary treatment for him. It also refuses to admit the necessary medication he was taking before his arrest, demanding that he be released in order to receive the necessary and serious treatment to save his life.

The Israeli occupation forces arrested the young man from his house five months ago and was sentenced for throwing Molotov cocktails at Israeli soldiers when they stormed the camp at dawn.