American star arrested for sexual offenses linked to children

American star arrested for sexual offenses linked to children

 American singer R Kelly in the city of Chicago on charges of sexual crimes, according to law enforcement officials.

New York police investigators and the Department of Homeland Security arrested the 52-year-old singer, who won several Grammy awards, on Thursday and is expected to move to New York City, the NBC news agency said.

The Chicago Sun Times reported Friday that the prosecutor´s office said Kelly faced 13 counts of sexual offenses.

For its part, the New York Times said that the suspension of R. Kelly came on charges of new charges, notably the exploitation of pornography related to children.

The federal prosecutors brought 13 new key charges to the singer, most notably the use of child pornography and obstruction of justice and the solicitation of minors, according to The New York Times.

He added that his lawyer Steve Greenberg confirmed his arrest, but declined to go into details.

Kelly was acquitted in 11 counts of sexual assault and harassment in a Chicago court last June.