America tends to lead the first site with "Corona" injuries and the spread of the epidemic, the biggest failure of the "CIA"

America tends to lead the first site with "Corona" injuries and the spread of the epidemic, the biggest failure of the "CIA"

Johns Hopkins University revealed that the number of deaths from coronavirus infection in the United States exceeded the barrier of a thousand deaths, while confirmed cases of the virus approached 70 thousand cases.

According to the statistics of the university, which is based in Washington, DC, the number of deaths so far in the United States amounted to 1041 deaths, while the number of confirmed injuries was 68 thousand and 960 injuries.

Just hours ago, the number of deaths in the United States was 827 deaths, according to a previous toll released by the same source, while the number of injuries, according to the university, until five o´clock in the morning, Wednesday, was approximately 55,000 confirmed injuries, meaning that the injuries increased by about 15,000 injuries One day.

Thus, the United States has become the third largest country in the world after China and Italy in terms of the number of infections caused by the Corona epidemic.

Panic looms over the country, as experts warned Thursday that the United States could occupy the first place in the number of casualties within days.

New York State leads the United States in terms of the number of injuries with more than 33 thousand confirmed injuries, followed by New Jersey with more than 4 thousand injuries and California with more than 3 thousand, while the lowest number of injuries recorded so far within the American borders in West Virginia with 39 injuries, while it was Virgin Island, the least-affiliated U.S. land, has only 17 confirmed cases, so far.

Foreign Policy magazine, Thursday, published an article that considered dealing with the Corona epidemic as the worst failure in the history of the CIA, due to mistakes by the administration of President Donald Trump.

The magazine noted in an article by author Mika Zinko that the CIA´s blatant failure over the emerging Corona virus was worse than that in the Pearl Harbor attacks and the 11 September 2001 attacks.

Zinco explained that the Trump administration failed double failure when it failed to take specific and repeated intelligence warnings about the possibility of the virus seriously, and also failed to launch initiatives to respond to the epidemic across America in proportion to the size of the expected threat.

The writer said that Trump administration officials issued a series of provisions that reduce the risk of the virus, and made decisions, including refusing to move quickly to reduce the epidemic, which negatively affected the security of American citizens.

The article pointed out that the Trump administration imposed on the American people a catastrophic emergency strategy to deal with the imminent danger posed by Corona, but that strategy differs from its predecessors in the history of the United States. 1941 and the September 11, 2001 attacks, Trump´s surprise plan is the result of unprecedented indifference and willful neglect.

He said that the Washington Post published a report last week that highlights repeated warnings of alarms about the Corona virus that US intelligence services provided to the White House in January and February.