America sets a record number of deaths in one day due to the Covid-19 epidemic

America sets a record number of deaths in one day due to the Covid-19 epidemic

The United States recorded on the evening of Tuesday / April 14, 2020, the death of more than 2,200 people as a result of the new Corona virus within 24 hours, in the highest daily toll ever recorded by a country in the world, according to data from Johns Hopkins University It is a reference for tracking new infections and deaths caused by the Corona virus.

And data published by the university at 20:30 local time, showed that the Covid-19 epidemic claimed the lives of 2228 people in the United States within 24 hours, bringing the total death toll from the epidemic in this country to 25,757 deaths.

It is noteworthy that the number of deaths on Wednesday morning, April 15, 2020 exceeded 26 thousand deaths.

Although the United States set records, on Tuesday, in terms of the number of deaths, US President Donald Trump reaffirmed his determination to reopen the economy, perhaps before the deadline he had set, which is May 1, but Trump said he would authorize state governors to do so in the form Appropriate, as "some states, as you know, are in a different state from others."

Trump said that "more than 20 states are in good shape, and more than 15 percent of the provinces have not reported any casualties ... These states may return to normal, and the federal government will closely monitor the situation."

Trump justified his insistence on reopening the economy, despite health experts warning, saying, "The injury numbers are going well, otherwise the stock market will not be in this good shape," noting that there are demands to participate in revitalizing the country and reopening it and said: "I spoke with leaders In different industries on how to restore the economy. "