America: Plans to storm Congress unveiled tomorrow

America: Plans to storm Congress unveiled tomorrow

The US Congressional Police revealed that they have obtained intelligence about a possible plan to storm the Capitol on Thursday.

"We are aware of the potential threats against members of Congress and the Capitol complex and are preparing to confront them," Congressional police said.

While the Senate and the House of Representatives were counting votes to approve the election result, on January 9, thousands of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol building, smashing windows and doors, in an attack that surprised the security forces.

Security agents rushed to transfer parliamentarians to shelters, and the crowd stormed the halls of Congress chanting, "Hang Mike Pence," and "Where is Nancy," in reference to Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

During these events, 5 people were killed, including a supporter of Trump who was shot by a security officer, and a policeman who died later in hospital.

Parliamentarians and advisers asked Trump to demand his supporters to stop, and after a delay, Trump did so through a tweet and a short video, and asked his supporters to "return to their homes", telling them at the same time, "We love you, you are unique."