America exceeds 500 thousand deaths in Corona and Fauchi describes its response in its worst response among most countries

America exceeds 500 thousand deaths in Corona and Fauchi describes its response in its worst response among most countries

The United States passed away on Sunday, nearly a year after the death of the first American due to the emerging corona epidemic, a thousand deaths from the Corona virus, according to a census conducted in cooperation between the (NBC) News Network and the University Johns Hopkins.

The milestone of the half a million devastating deaths comes at a time when the fight against Covid is experiencing many complications, despite the positives that scientists insist that are looming on the near horizon, hoping to distribute vaccines against the epidemic at an escalating speed.

The American nation has lost 100,000 deaths due to the virus since last January 19, that is, within 31 days, and it has lost nearly 2,000 people per day during the past week.

Although the United States represents only 5 percent of the world´s population, its losses from the Coronavirus account for just over 20 percent of the global total. However, daily cases have declined over the past two weeks, and hospitalizations are roughly half what they were in early January - measures that ensure that deaths will continue to drop in the coming weeks.

In turn, the infectious disease official in the Biden administration and the president´s chief advisor in the face of Covid, Dr. Anthony Fauci, said Sunday that the US response is "worse than most countries," including poor third-year countries.

Fauchi said, "It is terrible and horrific, and we have not known anything like this for more than 100 years, since the 1918 epidemic," explaining: "This is something that will remain in history. Within decades people will talk about these times when many people died because of the epidemic." .


The first death of Covid-19 was announced in the United States a year ago, on February 29, 2020, that is, less than a year ago, and after three months from that date the country crossed the threshold of one hundred thousand deaths, and then exceeded the threshold of 400 thousand deaths in January on the eve of the inauguration Joe Biden as President.

Fauci also warned (on CNN on Sunday) that Americans may have to wear masks until / or during 2022, at a time when leading medical societies demanded the extended vigilance of people exhausted by months of self-isolation and the punishing economic impact of the worst public health disaster 100 years ago. But the national divide between fear and hope was reflected in the announcement of more vaccines being sent to the states than ever before and a rapid decline in new cases of the new Coronavirus in most parts of the country.

And while historic vaccination efforts continue to meet the hurdles, there have been major successes, as the United States has so far vaccinated more than 60 percent of those over the age of 75, and nearly half of those between the ages of 65 and 74.

However, the staggering death toll, the profound ethnic disparities in getting vaccinated, and the huge cases still being reported every day are a reminder that the epidemic is not over yet, and that hundreds of thousands of deaths loom before the pandemic is eliminated, especially in light of Obstacles to vaccine deployment processes and mechanisms.

It is noteworthy that US President Joe Biden pledged during the transitional period, on the eighth of last December, to launch a broad campaign to fulfill his pledge to distribute 100 million vaccines in 100 days, and with the inauguration day, the new administration began to approach this goal. Today, a month after taking office, it appears that the US president may achieve this goal, and even exceed it to the point of achieving his goal of providing the vaccine to all adults in the United States by the summer, according to a report published by the "Associated Press" on Sunday.

The distributions of the two anti-Covid-19 vaccines (Moderna vaccine and Pfizer vaccine) have contributed to increasing the number of people receiving the necessary doses to limit the outbreak of the new Corona virus.

The Biden administration affirms that despite the weather conditions in the United States last week, which caused disruption of the arrival of 6 million doses, the country is close to reaching a "breach" in vaccine production with expectations that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will be approved soon.

But vaccine production and distribution pose completely separate challenges, and this is what Biden reflected, Friday, during an inspection tour of the company, "Pfizer", Friday, when he said: "Getting the vaccine is one thing, but injecting it into a person´s arm is something completely different."

Since they were approved for emergency use last December, more than 75 million doses of the "Moderna" and "Pfizer" vaccines have been distributed, and 63 million people have been injected with them, or 13 percent, about 45 million doses that have been injected since Biden took office. Last January 20.

The administration promises that the speed of vaccine distribution will increase tremendously. Within five and a half weeks, 145 million doses are expected to be distributed, and 200 million doses are expected to be added to them by the end of May, and 200 million doses by the end of July.

The number of injections reached 1.7 million doses per day last week, and this number is expected to double as the number of vaccines produced increases.

On Monday, US President Joe Biden, his wife Jill, Vice President Kamala Harris and her husband Doug Imhoff are expected to light candles at the White House to remind the number of American deaths that have exceeded 500,000.