Alexei Navalny´s organizations officially banned in Russia

Alexei Navalny´s organizations officially banned in Russia

The imprisoned opposition organizations, Alexei Navalny, who was described as "extremist" by the Russian judiciary in June, were officially added to the list of banned organizations in Russia on Friday.
According to the list published Friday on the website of the Russian Ministry of Justice, Navalny´s Anti-Corruption Fund and its regional offices joined the Jehovah´s Witnesses movement, the Russian National Bolshevik Party and another religious group, the "Noble Satanist".

The Anti-Corruption Fund is known for its resounding investigations into the lifestyle and embezzlement of Russian elites, while Navalny´s regional offices organize protests and election campaigns.

In early June, a Moscow court classified these organizations as "extremists", considering that they "intentionally disseminated information inciting hatred and hostility to representatives of the authority" and also committed "extremist crimes".

This decision came after months of repression targeting the Russian opposition, which led to the imprisonment of Alexei Navalny, 45, and the exile of a number of officials in his movement, in addition to measures targeting the independent press and other critical voices.
At the end of July, Roskomnadzor, the federal communications watchdog, announced that it wanted to ban accounts on social networks linked to Navalny.

The authorities have recently banned several independent media and groups critical of the authority, as part of an expanding crackdown, with the legislative elections scheduled for next month approaching. Legislative elections
are scheduled for three days due to the Covid-19 pandemic, from 17 to 19. September.