Al-khodari calls for implementation of operational projects to overcome Gaza´s economic and humanitarian collapse

Al-khodari calls for implementation of operational projects to overcome Gaza´s economic and humanitarian collapse

Gaza _ Palestine News Network

The President of the People´s Committee to confront the siege of gaza, Jamal al-khodari, stressed that the current phase requires an international, Arab and Islamic decision to start implementing operational projects Immediately.

Al-khodari said in a press statement on Tuesday that the implementation of the most effective operational projects to overcome the economic collapse and the humanitarian crises in Gaza has Begun.

These projects will contribute to the absorption of the largest number of workers and graduates to support them and their families, and are generally reflected in the overall humanitarian and economic situation, he said.

"this will create an active economic movement and provide some liquidity, which will have the effect of halting a serious haemorrhage in the economic sectors, whether industrial, commercial, agricultural or tourist, and the fishing sector," he said.

Such productive and development projects would ease the steep rise in poverty and unemployment, he said, noting that 85 per cent of the population of the sector lived below the poverty line, 70 per cent of the youth unemployment rate and a per capita daily income of $2.

He stressed the need for the international community and the Arab and Islamic countries to monitor urgent budgets for relief of the disastrous and deteriorating humanitarian situation, and my father is not likely to deteriorate further.

He called for "international pressure" on the Israeli occupation, which imposes an illegal, immoral and inhumane blockade of the Gaza strip.

Al-khodari said the blockade is "a collective punishment of 2 million Palestinians living in Gaza for more than 12 years."

He called for practical solutions to the humanitarian and economic crises in gaza, to mitigate the effects of the blockade, and three wars waged by the occupation on the strip, which had caused a heavy annual loss of more than $600 million annually.