Al-Husseini: There are no accurate figures on the number of people with corona in Jerusalem

Al-Husseini: There are no accurate figures on the number of people with corona in Jerusalem

Head of the Jerusalem Affairs Department in the Palestine Liberation Organization, Adnan Al-Husseini, told "Al-Quds" that there is great negligence on the part of the Israeli occupation authorities regarding facing the outbreak of the Corona virus among the sons of occupied Jerusalem, and there are no figures A minute about the numbers of people living with HIV in the city, because there is no single authority that discloses official statistics.

Al-Husseini added, "We were surprised by the number of infections, which indicate about 90 injuries, and that the Israeli authorities do not allow any Palestinian activity to confront the Corona virus."

He considered what the police and occupation authorities are doing as "indicating a strange culture" and said, "The Israeli authorities are supposed to encourage people to sterilize and clean their homes, lanes and streets of the city, not to arrest anyone who tries to carry out these activities."

Al-Husseini said that despite the Israeli harassment, our Palestinian people give examples in the resistance, whether in terms of their political rights, or in resisting Israeli measures that affect the health of the Palestinians in the city of Jerusalem.

He praised the many initiatives launched by youth institutions and groups regarding quarantine, dealing with matters and the transportation of doctors, especially from the people of the West Bank, and solving the problem of their stay in some hotels, as well as the price of many Jerusalem hospitals, despite the difficult financial circumstances, to prepare a number of beds to receive Hard cases.

He pointed to the increased awareness among people in Jerusalem to confront the virus and said, "Despite the Israeli practices, every person has a responsibility, and that neglect would reflect negatively on it, and the emptiness created by the Israeli authorities pushes us to become aware of every behavior we do."