After his acquittal, Trump´s grip on the Republican Party is getting stronger

After his acquittal, Trump´s grip on the Republican Party is getting stronger

 A new opinion poll conducted after the acquittal of former US President Donald Trump in the US Senate showed that the majority of adults in the United States believe that the former US president, Donald Trump, should be prevented from running for office. Public again.

Fifty-three percent of American adults surveyed said Trump should not be allowed to run for public office again, while 50 percent said they would have voted to convict Trump in a Senate impeachment trial if they had the right to vote, according to an Ipsos poll. For Reuters.

Another poll, conducted by YouGov, a research firm, in cooperation with The Economist, showed that 53 percent of people believe Trump should not be allowed to run for the presidency again.

Many argue that Trump should not be allowed to run for the presidency again because of his "actions and words" that led to the riots in the Capitol on January 6, they said.

The "Ipsos and Reuters" poll found that 71 percent of adults in the United States believe Trump is partly responsible for the riots, while half of the Republicans surveyed declared Trump responsible in some way.

However, the former president still maintains a strong weight in the Republican Party, despite the deadly riots in the US Capitol building last month, prompting some leaders of the Republican Party to consider getting rid of former President Trump, who broke the rules and protocols of political action.

But in the end, only 7 of 50 Republicans in the Senate voted to indict Trump in his landmark second trial on Saturday.

For Trump loyalists, the acquittal provides evidence of sorts of a new relationship with the former president.

For Trump´s opponents in the Republican Party, this is another worrying sign that the party is leaning more in a dangerous direction with little desire to reconnect with moderates, women and college voters who are alienated from Trump.

Ultimately, the Senate decision eased the split in the Republican Party that its leaders will have to overcome as they attempt to regain control of Congress next year and aim to reclaim the White House in 2024.

After supporting Trump´s acquittal, Senate Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell delivered a speech that echoed some of the same points that Democratic administrators have emphasized as they seek to convict Trump.

McConnell said the former president was "practically and morally responsible for triggering the events" that led to the revolt, but said there were no constitutional grounds for the Senate to convict Trump now that he has left office, a point of procedure that many in the Republican Party embrace.

History records that 10 members of the president´s party in the House of Representatives and another 7 in the Senate ultimately believed that Trump´s behavior was terrible enough to warrant conviction - and even deny him a lifetime of holding future office.

Never before has so many members of the president´s party voted to impeach him, but of the seven Republicans from the Senate who voted to convict Trump on Saturday, only one faces a campaign campaign in the next four years.

Most objective measures show that Trump´s grip on the Republican Party and its future remains tight, as Gallup reported last month that the percentage of Republicans supporting Trump was 82 percent.

And recently, Monmouth University found that 72 percent of Republicans still believe Trump´s claim that President Joe Biden won the November election only because of widespread voter fraud, and that few of the known Republican votes have shown signs of defying Trump.

Those voices, Nikki Haley, the likely 2024 candidate who was the US ambassador to the United Nations under Trump, drew attention this week after Politico reported that Trump´s role in the January 6 attack is essentially preventing him from running for the presidency. one more time.

Haley, who is close to the Evangelicals movement and the Israeli lobby, said: “He (Trump) has fallen hard. He has walked a path that he should not take, and what we should have followed, and we should not have listened to him. We cannot let this happen. one more time".

The Republican Party also faces enormous political risks if its leaders continue to embrace Trump and his political brand that breaks the rules. Dozens of Republican-friendly companies have pledged to stop giving money to Trump´s allies in Congress, cutting the flow of revenue completely, and Republicans hope to restore the majority of both houses. Representatives and Senate in the midterm elections next year.

Yet the initial signs after the court indicate that Trump himself will not go. Immediately after his acquittal, he issued a written statement promising to reappear "soon".

Trump said: "Our historic, national and beautiful movement to make America great again has just begun. In the coming months I have a lot to share with you, and I look forward to continuing our amazing journey together to achieve American greatness for all of our people."

All the criteria show that Trump is still very popular with his electoral base, and his party is threatening to nominate people loyal to him to confront Republican members of Congress who criticized or denounced him, which the party fears.