“Corona” globally: 3 million and 777 thousand deaths and 175 million and 186 thousand injuries

“Corona” globally: 3 million and 777 thousand deaths and 175 million and 186 thousand injuries

The latest announced global statistics on the “Corona” pandemic, as of this morning, Thursday, indicated that the number of deaths due to infection with the virus reached 3 million and more than 777 thousand deaths, while the total number of infections reached 175 million and about 186 thousand injuries, of whom 159 million and more than 7 recovered. thousands of patients .

The pandemic continues to spread in 220 countries, territories and regions around the world, and the countries of the world recorded 420 thousand and 257 new infections yesterday, Wednesday, and the pandemic caused 14,094 deaths during the last 24 hours .

Statistics showed that the five countries that recorded, on Wednesday, the highest number of deaths within a single day in the world, were, respectively: India, which returned to record a record number of deaths as a very high daily toll (6,138 deaths), Brazil (2,484 deaths), and Argentina (605 deaths). Colombia (550 deaths), and America (452 ​​deaths).

The data indicated that the five countries that recorded the highest number of new injuries, globally, within one day, were, respectively, India (93,896 injuries), Brazil (87,097 injuries), Argentina (29,757 injuries), Colombia (24,233 injuries), and America (14,201 injuries). infection).

America still leads the world in terms of the highest number of deaths and total injuries, despite its noticeable decline recently in the daily total numbers of injuries and deaths .

The statistics indicated that the five countries that, as of Thursday morning, are considered the most affected by the pandemic in the world in terms of the total number of deaths, are: America (613,494 deaths), Brazil (479,791 deaths), India (359,695 deaths), and Mexico (229,353 deaths), and Peru (187,479 deaths).

The statistics showed that the five countries that are considered so far the most affected globally in terms of the total number of injuries: America (34,264,727 injuries), India (29,183,121 injuries), Brazil (17,125,357 injuries), France (5,725,492 injuries), and Turkey (5,306,690 injuries).