Activists from the "Zero Jackets" quietly demonstrate the day after the clashes in Paris

Activists from the "Zero Jackets" quietly demonstrate the day after the clashes in Paris

 Activists from the "zero jackets" marched quietly in France on Sunday, a day after clashes in Paris marked by demonstrations marking the first anniversary of the social movement.

About 200 people gathered in central Paris.

But the Lafayette department store decided to close its doors shortly after noon after briefly entering dozens of "zero jackets," a spokeswoman for the department told AFP.

"A feline that destroys France and your rights, don´t criticize us. We are here for you," read a banner held by protesters.

"We are doing this because it is the first anniversary. We hope to reap what we have planted," said organizer Fawzi Lelouch.

Lelouch also helped organize a demonstration scheduled for Saturday in Paris, but was canceled by police after violence broke out.

He denounced what he called a "political decision," adding "security forces are implementing a strategy of besieging the demonstrators."

Historian Matilde Larer, who took part in the demonstration on Twitter, said she was prevented from leaving Italy despite a "tear gas cloud", condemning the repression "unworthy of a democratic state."

Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said Sunday that "what we witnessed on Saturday was a small number of demonstrators and a large number of mobs who came to fight and confront the security forces and prevent firefighters from moving."

At 13:00 (12:00 GMT) Sunday, the Paris police reported the arrest of 20 people in the morning. On Saturday, security forces arrested 254 people in France, including 173 in Paris.

The Paris prosecutor said on Sunday morning that 155 people had been placed in pre-trial detention, including eight minors.