A young man was injured in an attack by settlers in Hebron, and the occupation prevents citizens from reaching their homes

A young man was injured in an attack by settlers in Hebron, and the occupation prevents citizens from reaching their homes

This evening, Friday, a young man was wounded in a settlers´ attack on him in the Susiya area, south of Hebron.

The coordinator of the Popular Committees to Resist the Wall in East Yatta and South Hebron, Ratib al-Jabour, told Wafa that an armed group of settlers attacked the young man, Adham Ayman Mughanem, 26, while he was on his land near the settlement of Susiya, which is located on the citizens´ lands southeast of Yatta, and chased him away. She beat him, causing injuries and fractures to his foot, and he was transferred to Yatta Governmental Hospital.

In another context, the occupation forces stationed at the military checkpoint at the entrance to Tel Rumeida in the center of Hebron detained a number of citizens, including women and children, who live in that area and prevented them from reaching their homes.