A well demolished in Al-Zawiyah and 2,400 dunams of land are threatened with confiscation

A well demolished in Al-Zawiyah and 2,400 dunams of land are threatened with confiscation

Today, Sunday, the occupation army demolished a rainwater harvesting well in the western region of the village of Zawiya in Salfit governorate, and issued demolition notices for ten wells in which rain water is collected to enhance the resilience of farmers.

Azmi Shuqair, from public relations and media in the Al-Zawiyah municipality, said in connection with Jerusalem: "With the implementation of agricultural relief and the Ministry of Agriculture and with funding from the Arab Development Fund and during the past two years, agricultural projects have been implemented to enhance the resilience of farmers in the western region of Al-Zawiya near the dividing line, and from projects The construction of 35 wells to collect rain water, but the occupation demolished the well located in the Sirissa area and belonged to Moaz Hamdan Musleh, and these wells were built on a reservoir system and can accommodate between 30 to 60 cubic meters of water, and notifications were placed to demolish ten additional wells Meh They condemned the demolition of all wells that enhance the resilience of farmers. "

Shuqair said: "The area where the water wells were located is near the Apartheid Wall, and the occupation has threatened to confiscate approximately 2,400 dunums close to the wall and inside the wall.

Shuqair noted: "Agricultural projects are held in the threatened area, 210 dunums are rehabilitated, 60 dunums are reclaimed, in addition to 3 km agricultural roads and retaining walls of rock in the area. These agricultural projects have irritated the occupation."