A sit-in in Bethlehem against the policy of administrative detention

A sit-in in Bethlehem against the policy of administrative detention

organized a gathering of women´s development institutions in the Bethlehem province sit in front of the headquarters of the International Red Cross in the city to demand an end to the policy of administrative detention, as part of a campaign of human rights defenders in Palestine of the group.

The demonstrators raised banners condemning the administrative detention and demanding the release of administrative prisoners and prisoners from Israeli jails. A memorandum on administrative detention was also distributed during the sit-in.

"Administrative detention is a measure used by the Israeli occupation forces to detain Palestinian civilians without specific charges and without trial, which prevents the detainee and his lawyer from knowing the reasons for detention. This prevents the development of an effective and effective defense. "He said.

The Israeli occupation forces exercise administrative detention using arrest warrants ranging from one to six months, renewable without specifying the number of times of renewal. The orders are issued on the basis of confidential information that the detainee or his lawyer is not entitled to see. Under military orders imposed by the occupying power on the West Bank to arrest Palestinian citizens and bring them to trial.

Administrative detention, in the manner practiced by the occupying powers, is illegal and arbitrary. According to international law, "administrative detention only takes place if there is a real threat to the national security of the state." This can not be unlimited for a long period of time.