A settler sets fire to hundreds of olive trees in the village of Safa, west of Ramallah

A settler sets fire to hundreds of olive trees in the village of Safa, west of Ramallah

Today, Friday, a settler set fire to hundreds of old olive trees in the village of Safa, west of Ramallah.

And the official news agency reported that a settler threw Molotov cocktails at olive groves in the western region of the ancient village of Safa with olive trees, which are areas: “Wadi Al-Malaki, Al-Kursana, Baten Hariz, and Batin Al-Hump”, and hundreds of olive trees were destroyed by fire.

He added that the fire lasted for more than 3 hours, and the Israeli occupation authorities prevented citizens and owners of the lands behind the annexation and racial expansion from entering their lands to put out the fire and save their trees.

He pointed out that the Israeli occupation authorities used aircraft to extinguish the fire that spread due to the eastern winds of "Orlenem" settlement, which is built on Safa village lands.