A row between Trump and a Fox News journalist over allegations about Biden

A row between Trump and a Fox News journalist over allegations about Biden

US President Donald Trump has argued with an anchor on Fox News television over allegations he made about the intention of Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden to cut the police budget.

During a dialogue in the courtyard in front of the Oval Office, Trump blamed the escalating violence in some American cities on the leaders of the Democratic Party.

Trump commented on the report by journalist Chris Wallace that many cities have been run by Democratic mayors for decades, saying "they run it badly."

"The situation was always bad, but he is totally out of control now. This is because they want to reduce the police budget, and Biden wants to reduce the police budget," he said.

But Wallace opposed Trump saying, "No, sir, he doesn´t like it," according to a video that was re-posted on Fox News on Sunday.

Then, Trump claimed that Biden signed a pact with left-wing Senator Bernie Sanders to cut budgets for the security forces.

When the journalist opposed him, the Republican billionaire asked his aides to search for the charter, but they found nothing to search for, according to Wallace´s comments in subsequent comments on TV.

And a movement to reduce the police budget was activated after the killing of George Floyd in the city of Minneapolis at the end of May, after a policeman put him on the ground and put his knee on his neck for about nine minutes.

The movement had some impact, as New York cut the annual police budget by one billion dollars after weeks of protests in the city.