A new technology to extract drinking water from the air

A new technology to extract drinking water from the air

A team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States has created a new technology to extract potable water directly from the air in dry areas by means of solar energy generation systems, depending on the temperature, whether it is from the sun Or from any other source.

The scientific journal "Jules" reported that the new technology is based on a substance that has the ability to absorb moisture from the air called "zeolite", which is made from a chemical compound called iron aluminum phosphate. This material is widely available and can be used to extract water from the air at normal temperatures and under sunlight.

The idea of ​​the new system is based on extracting water from the air through two stages, where in the first stage the heat resulting from the generation of solar energy is collected by special panels, and used to heat the zeolite material, which leads to the condensation of the moisture absorbed by this substance from the air, and in this case it can be Collecting water droplets that have been condensed on certain surfaces through the second stage, then transfer them in tubes to collection tanks.

The study team emphasized that the new system can work at humidity levels not exceeding twenty percent, and does not require any external energy sources except for solar energy or any alternative source that leads to the generation of limited amounts of heat.

The Tech Explorer website, which specializes in technology, quoted a researcher in the field of mechanical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that the volume of water production is 0.8 liters per square meter, and this rate can be raised by improving the efficiency of the system or using other materials with higher capacities To absorb water.