A new settlement project of 1,500 units in the south of occupied Jerusalem

A new settlement project of 1,500 units in the south of occupied Jerusalem

The District Committee for Planning and Building in the occupation municipality in Jerusalem agreed to deposit a plan to expand the "Talfiot" settlement south of occupied Jerusalem at the expense of the Palestinian lands north of Bethlehem and to expand the road network in the settlements of Jabal Abu Ghneim - and Har Hamatos, Sur Baher, Umm Tuba and Beit Safafa are part of the overall plan to expand the municipality´s influence and settlement space at the expense of these Palestinian neighborhoods.

According to the decision and the deposited plan, 7 towers will be built on a total area of ​​about 16 dunums, at the corner of two streets on the Hebron-Bethlehem road, within the expansion of the areas through which the light rail will pass to link the settlements north of occupied Jerusalem with its center and south.

This is the third project that is being approved and deposited in the south of the Holy City to deepen and expand settlement there and form a settlement wall alongside the apartheid wall that isolated the city of Jerusalem from its twin, the city of Bethlehem.

The plan includes about 1,500 settlement units in seven towers that allocate the first floor for trade, employment, and public buildings, including a group of dormitories, nine classrooms for kindergartens, and two synagogues. About 300 settlement units will be allocated for small apartments of up to 55 square meters, for young couples. In addition to the public buildings that will be integrated into the ground floor of the settlement towers are branches of banks, post offices, and public services. The headquarters of the Ministry of the Interior is my services. The plan allocates about 3 dunams for public buildings, and about 3 dunams of open spaces that include pedestrian paths to the light rail station on Hebron Street.

It is noteworthy that the occupation municipality revealed about two weeks ago about two settlement projects in the same area among the plans that are being implemented or that will be implemented with its final approval in the various planning committees, and she said that the focus is on the north and south of the city to consolidate its isolation from its depth in the occupied West Bank with the cities of Ramallah in the north, with a new settlement, which is being finalized in a place of Jerusalem Airport - Qalandia, under the name (Atarot ), with 9,000 settlement units. In the south of occupied Jerusalem, the expansion of settlements (Gilo, Har Hamtos, and Jabal Abu Ghneim,
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