A large demonstration of UNRWA staff in Gaza

A large demonstration of UNRWA staff in Gaza

Gaza _ Palestine News Network

More than 13,000 UNRWA staff members in Gaza on Wednesday demonstrated their rejection and agency staff after recent US decisions.

According to the demonstrators, they aim to pressure the donors and the whole world to push the United States to undo the decision to pressure the Palestinians to accept the terms of the negotiations, and to highlight the risks of implementing the resolution, which may be aimed at clearing the refugee issue.

Yusuf Hamdouna, secretary of the Staff Union, said the staff Union had decided to begin the first steps to protest against the US decision to reduce the budget provided to UNRWA and to organize a rally with the participation of all employees in the "UNRWA", to safeguard the rights of Palestinian refugees in Education, health and food before maintaining workers ´ rights.

Hamdouna explained that the course of the event starts this morning in the pool of staff in their workplaces and signing, so that all staff of the Gaza Regional office will have to leave their offices at 9:30 a.m. and assemble in the office square at 10 a.m.

Speaking that the march was going to the Beit Hanoun crossing, he said that this time the march will not go to Beit Hanoun, but our steps are going on and will not stop and we may organize a march to Beit Hanoun in the coming times to form more pressure.