A Japanese billionaire is searching for a girlfriend who takes him on a trip to the moon

A Japanese billionaire is searching for a girlfriend who takes him on a trip to the moon

The Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maizawa´s search for a girlfriend who will accompany him on a trip around the moon, will be the subject of a new documentary program in the latest exciting adventure presented by the businessman.

Maizawa, 44, has invited single girls over the age of 20 to join the program, which will be shown by the "Abima TV" service.

Maizawa sold the "Zuzu" fashion retail website to Softbank Group.

"As feelings of loneliness and emptiness flow over me, there is one thing I think of: to continue to love one woman," he wrote on a website receiving requests to join the program.

"I want to find a life partner. With this future life partner, I would like to shout out a sign of love, calling for world peace from outer space. ”

Maizawa is scheduled to go on his moon trip in 2023, becoming the first passenger on a special flight of Elon Musk´s SpaceX company.

Maizawa, who recently separated from his beloved actress Ayami Jureki, 27, said that he intends to take artists with him, so that the experiment he called (Deer Moon) will inspire them.

The documentary, entitled "Full Moon Lovers", will be shown on the "Abima TV" service, and will target an audience of young people who don´t like TV.

And the site receiving requests to join the program says that those who wish to participate should be interested in going to space, are able to participate in preparing for it, and hope for world peace.

The receipt of applications for the program ends on January 17th, and Mazawa will choose his partner by the end of next March.

The documentary is the latest big step for billionaire Mizawa, who is distributing $ 9 million to his Twitter followers, seeking to spark debate about the benefits of the basic income idea in Japan.