A heat wave in Europe raises fears of a breach of Corona´s prevention guidelines

A heat wave in Europe raises fears of a breach of Corona´s prevention guidelines

Western Europe witnessed on Friday a sharp increase in temperatures that exceeded 40 degrees in some areas, prompting the authorities to remind the summer vacationers who flocked to the beaches without muzzles that the epidemic is still present.

In France, a third of the regions of the country were alerted of the danger of a heat wave or thunderstorms. The temperature rose to between 40 and 41 degrees in the shade, in the Parisian region, the center of the country and part of its northeast.

The General Directorate of Health has warned of the need to "continue respecting the social distance and the state of the muzzle" and called for special attention to be paid to the elderly.

Authorities in the Parisian region, Golan, shed the wagons to avoid a peak of pollution on Friday.

In Italy, only 14 major cities were classified as having the highest risk due to heat for the vulnerable population (sick, elderly, etc.). In addition to the capital Rome (37 degrees), the list included Bologna (39 degrees), Florence (38 degrees), Perugia, Turin and Verona, all in the north of the country.

In the Netherlands, the authorities have called on residents to avoid the beach of Zandvoort near Amsterdam, so that the physical distance between the vacationers is preserved.

"There are other, quieter beaches on our coast, I advise you to head to," Dutch media quoted Marianne Schormanns, the local security official, as saying.

And meteorologists in Britain and Germany announced that Friday is the hottest day of the year free so far.

Public swimming pools in Germany welcomed a few people this year due to restrictions related to Covid-19, while they were usually operating at full capacity.

But the British Met Office said the heat wave was short-lived. The temperature remained moderate in the northern regions of the country, while Friday exceeded 30 degrees in the southern regions, but it will drop significantly at the end of the week before it rises to a little more than 20 degrees.