A dispute between the White House and Israeli security officials over the size of the crowds at the normalization ceremony

A dispute between the White House and Israeli security officials over the size of the crowds at the normalization ceremony

An informed source in Washington said, Monday, that there is a sharp dispute between protocol officials and the "security of the special service" in the White House and Israeli security officials over the size of crowds, the application of social distancing rules and wearing masks due to Covid-19 At the normalization ceremony between Israel, the UAE and Bahrain, sponsored by US President Donald Trump, on Tuesday, September 15, 2020.

According to the source, the Israelis insist on implementing strict social distancing rules, such as having a distance of six feet between guests, while the White House insists on adopting the model that President Trump used when he accepted the Republican nomination on August 27 at the end of the Republican Congress in the "Southern White House Garden." In the presence of more than 1,500 people stacked next to each other without wearing masks, or disciplining the rules of social communication in any degree, because Atramp hates the use of masks, and considers them a disturbing barrier between him and his constituents.

Al-Quds learned that hundreds of evangelical missionary leaders who form its most cohesive and loyal electoral base are invited to the festive ceremony, and they traditionally oppose social distancing restrictions and consider that God protects them from the epidemic. President Trump sees the celebration as an opportunity to breathe life into his faltering campaign, and a welcome distraction from the major setbacks he is facing in front of his Democratic rival Joseph Biden in most opinion polls, and other problems due to his mismanagement of the Covid campaign, the decline of the American economy, high unemployment and confusion in his policy. External.

Trump is under harsh criticism for his blatant disregard for the restrictions of "social distancing" and official guidelines to combat the Covid-19 epidemic developed by his work team tasked with fighting the epidemic and saving the country from the catastrophic situation that afflicted it as a result of the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, especially in light of the number of American deaths exceeding 194,000, and the number of There are more than 6,521,000 injuries Monday morning, September 14, 2020.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived at dawn on Monday to the United States to participate in the ceremony scheduled for the White House on Tuesday, where he and the foreign ministers of the UAE and Bahrain will formally sign two agreements to officially normalize diplomatic relations - the third and fourth agreements of this kind for Israel with Arab countries.

The texts of the two agreements have not yet been published, but the two Gulf countries have agreed to full normalization of relations with Israel, "in a diplomatic breakthrough reached with American mediation," according to White House statements, while Israel is widely promoting it as a dramatic change in attitudes towards Israel in the world. Arabi.

The UAE and Bahrain will be represented at the signing ceremony by their foreign ministers, Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Abdul Latif bin Rashid Al Zayani, who arrived in Washington on Sunday.

While the White House invitations were directed to a number of diplomatic missions in the American capital, the White House has not yet directed its supposed invitations to the media until this moment, as it is not known yet before the diplomatic invitations from the Arab embassies, while a source indicated that both the embassies of Jordan and Egypt The two Arab countries that have diplomatic relations with Israel will participate at levels below the ambassador, while Oman and Sudan will participate in the ceremony.