A Chinese investigation targeting FedEx

A Chinese investigation targeting FedEx

 Chinese authorities will open an investigation against FedEx for sending messages and parcels for "harming customers´ interests," local media reported on Saturday.

FedEx apologized earlier this week to change the route of some packages of Huawei after China Telecom Group said it would review its relations with the US company later.

"Chinese government officials announced on June 1 that Beijing will immediately open an investigation because the US FedEx did not deliver the correct addresses in China," the report said. Great rights of their legal customers and their interests. "

"As a postal company operating in China for decades, FedEx has an obligation to cooperate with investigations by the relevant Chinese authorities," said CTV.

China has developed a system of "unreliable" entities, the station said, adding that the investigation would serve as a "warning to other foreign companies."

China´s Ministry of Commerce announced on Friday it would publish its own list of "unreliable entities" that break down their trade contracts and do not provide supplies to Chinese companies.

A Chinese expert said on Saturday that the new list would prevent, like the US "list of entities," Chinese companies from cooperating with listed entities.

The FedEx error came as Huawei faced an American move to blacklist the group, a move that denies it access to the US-made ingredients it needs for its products, although it later gave it 90 days before the ban came into effect.

FedEx confirmed Tuesday that "no third party has asked it to transport these packages."