A 103-year-old Mexican woman recovers from COVID-19

A 103-year-old Mexican woman recovers from COVID-19

 A Mexican woman suffering from acute and chronic lung disease has been cured of Covid-19 after spending 11 days in the hospital for treatment, according to the Mexican Social Security Institute.

Donna Maria had undergone a test to detect Covid-19 and the result was positive, but she was not suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes or obesity, which are factors that exacerbate the risk of infection.

And on Saturday, the Mexican Social Security Institute announced in a statement that "this matter contributed to the success of her treatment."

On September 22, Donna Maria was admitted to the government hospital in Guadalajara, Jalisco State (West), after suffering from a runny nose, high temperature and difficulty breathing, but she did not need a breathing aid.

The statement quoted hospital director David Sanchez as saying that she "remained cheerful, did not lose consciousness, and was talking to the doctors. In the end we were asked to take care of ourselves. Her condition has improved very well, and the symptoms have gone."

She returned home last Friday. The institute released photos of her showing her greeting the doctors with applause upon leaving the hospital in a wheelchair.

Mexico has recorded 757,953 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and 78,880 deaths since the epidemic first appeared in the country in February.

On August 11, tests showed that 78 people over the age of 100 were infected, 23 of whom (29.3 percent) died, according to official data related to the pandemic.

One of the most surprising cases is the recovery of a 118-year-old patient from Tabasco state (in the southeast of the country overlooking the Gulf of Mexico) after he was diagnosed with COVID-19 on July 25.