95 years old. Departure of the designer of the characters "Spider man " and "Iron Man " and "Hulk "

95 years old. Departure of the designer of the characters "Spider man " and  "Iron Man " and  "Hulk "

Washington _ Agencies

He died on November 12, Stan Lee, the most famous designer of the American company  "Marvel ", who amazed and laughed millions of people around the world with his innovative cartoon characters.

US media reported that Stan Lee died at the age of 95 in a Los Angeles hospital in the United States.

Stan Lee is the founder of a true revolution in the world of cartoons and comics, and is the first to invent dozens of cartoon characters that have accompanied the development and growth of entire generations in the United States and beyond.

The star of Stan Lee first shone in the 1960s, when he created a "Spiderman" and introduced her into American comics, which quickly invaded the world with her sisters of characters, as  "Black Panter " and "Hulk " and "X-Men ".

Commenting on the sad news, "Marvell" stated that it was a "greeting and respect for Stan Lee and his career, as well as expressing her great gratitude for the extraordinary achievements he has made with the company."