8 people were killed in Spain and Portugal and missing in France due to bad weather

8 people were killed in Spain and Portugal and missing in France due to bad weather

A South Korean was killed by a wreck falling on him in Madrid, and a Dutch skater spent drowning in southwestern Spain, drifting the river of a driver´s car in its south and losing a fourth in the sea off the French coast, which raised Saturday The death toll from the storm Storm Elsa since Thursday in the western regions of Europe to eight.

A 32-year-old South Korean died on Saturday, severely wounded by the wreckage of a building in central Madrid, after strong winds blew, according to Madrid Interior Minister Enrique Lopez.

The minister confirmed that the building was the subject of inspection in 2015 without problems.

A Dutch citizen spent a week drowning during skiing in the southwestern province of Walba, Spain, rescue agencies said Saturday.

A man was killed, on Saturday, after his car washed away the flood river in Oscar, in the province of Granada, in southern Spain, according to the local government of Andalusia.

Off the southeastern coast of France, a man was lost in the Mediterranean after he fell from a sailboat on Friday, while a companion was rescued, according to the authorities.

In all, six people have died since the storm hit in Spain, and two in Portugal, where bad weather, on Saturday, disrupted rail traffic between Lisbon and Porto due to floods that flooded the network.

On Friday, strong winds accompanied by heavy rain blew over the Côte d´Azur region in southeast France and the island of Corsica.

On Sunday, the authorities announced the closure of all Corsica airports, that sea voyages would witness great turbulence, and Ajaccio airport was closed due to unprecedented floods.

Shortly after the passage of Elsa, another, called Fabin, blew with strong winds in Galis, northwestern Spain, where wind speeds recorded 170 km per hour, leading to the cancellation of 14 flights, according to the airport management company. Another 13 flights were diverted from Galis Airport to other airports in Spain and Portugal.

Power was cut off to about 8,000 homes in Galis, due to wind damage to the poles.

It is reported that the Galis and Ashturi regions were placed in red alert, which is the most extreme on the alert scale.