6 civilians were shot and dozens were suffocated in Kafr Qaddum

6 civilians were shot and dozens were suffocated in Kafr Qaddum

 Six young men were shot by metal and sponge bullets, and dozens of people were suffocated Saturday evening, during the Israeli occupation army’s suppression of a march that started in the village of Kafr Qaddum, east of Qalqilya, denouncing the settlement and demanding the opening of the village street that has been closed for more than 17 years.

Murad Shteiwi, the media spokesman in the Fatah movement in Qalqilya, stated in a press statement that violent confrontations broke out in Kafr Qaddum after the launch of a popular march condemning settler attacks, but the occupation army attacked the march with metal and sponge bullets, which resulted in 6 injuries. Two of them were taken to hospital for treatment, in addition to tens of suffocation, which was treated in the field.

Shteiwi confirmed that violent clashes erupted with the occupation soldiers in the vicinity of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab Mosque, during which the occupation soldiers fired dozens of tear gas canisters directly at the roofs of Palestinian homes, which led to suffocation injuries among women and children.