$ 5 Billion .. Historic fine for Facebook because of privacy violation

$ 5 Billion .. Historic fine for Facebook because of privacy violation

 Facebook will pay a record $ 5 billion fine to settle a government inquiry into user privacy violations and the company will restructure its privacy approach, the Federal Trade Commission said on Wednesday.

The Committee voted by three to two in favor of the settlement, which still needs the Court´s approval. At a time when Republicans compromise while the Democrats opposed it.

For its part, the Federal Trade Commission said that Facebook´s policy on the data led to deceiving the "tens of millions" of people who used face recognition technology set by the social networking company, and violated the rules when it did not reveal that the phone numbers that you have collected for one of the characteristics Security will also be used for advertising purposes, according to the "Reuters".

Under the compromise announced today, the Facebook board will form an independent privacy committee that will end "the control of CEO Mark Zuckerberg over decisions affecting user privacy."

Facebook is also barred from requesting e-mail passwords for other services when consumers create accounts. You are also prohibited from using phone numbers you obtain for security features for advertising purposes, and you must take user consent for the use of facial recognition technology data.

Facebook is one of the world´s largest and most widely used web sites.