22 Palestinian prisoners in Raymond. They start a hunger strike.

22 Palestinian prisoners in Raymond. They start a hunger strike.

Twenty-two prisoners at Israel´s Raymond Prison on Wednesday launched an open-ended hunger strike against the administration´s disavowal of an agreement to remove jamming devices from jail sections, the Prisoners ´and Editors´ Affairs Authority said.

As soon as the prisoners announced their first hunger strike against these carcinogenic devices, the Prison Administration entered the repression forces in sections (1-4) and transferred all the striking prisoners to isolate Nafha Prison.

The Authority said that more than 200 prisoners in the prison "Raymond" had entered an open hunger strike last Monday for one day, in order to demand the removal of carcinogenic jamming devices, where a dialogue session was held between the administration and representatives of prisoners, during which it was agreed to suspend the strike, in exchange for The implementation of the prisoners´ demands began, but the administration returned to procrastination and procrastination.

The Commission condemned the policy of intransigence adopted by the Israeli Prisons Administration in responding to the simplest life and humanitarian demands of the prisoners.