20 desecration of Al-Aqsa and 44 times the occupation prevented the call to prayer at the Al-Ibrahimi Mosque last month

20 desecration of Al-Aqsa and 44 times the occupation prevented the call to prayer at the Al-Ibrahimi Mosque last month

The Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs said that the occupation and settlers desecrated Al-Aqsa Mosque during the month of April with more than 20 desecration.

The ministry stated in a report today, Monday, that Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem witnessed accelerating events and attacks by the occupation forces on worshipers at the Column Gate. A letter to the Minister of Occupation, in which she asked him to allow the Jews to bring boxes and bags of food and drink to Al-Aqsa, and to allow them to eat them inside his yards during the day in Ramadan.

The occupation also practiced various kinds of penalties and policies on the worshipers, especially Friday prayers, so many were arrested and banned from entering the prayer, and buses were detained, and the Old City and Al-Aqsa Mosque were surrounded by a series of checkpoints and dozens of soldiers, as is the Ibrahimi Mosque, which suffers from the scourge of Judaization, obliteration and desecration.

In Hebron, the occupation notified the suspension of restoration work in the Islamic cemetery east of Yatta, and the occupation forces raided the Deirat gathering east of Yatta, and notified them to stop work and maintenance in the cemetery, threatening that if the restoration work continues, an order to remove the cemetery will be implemented.

In the Ibrahimi Mosque, the occupation prevented raising the call to prayer during last April 44 times, and settlers conducted engineering surveys of surrounding neighborhoods in the Ibrahimi Mosque in the Old City, and the occupation authorities raised the occupation flags on the walls of the Ibrahimi Mosque under the pretext of holidays.